I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Monday, 8 April 2019


Global/NaPoWriMo 2019

Day Eight

Hot as a troglodyte's carbuncle they
were up running down the beach
swimming in the sea at
something before six breakfast at
eight fish more fish and rice
would you like more rice uncle
no thank you I tell them
would you like another coffee
yes please the coffee comes sweet
as heaven two types of sugar
white and brown what other sugars
have you got I ask them joking
they go to try to find some but all
the cane sugar has been fermented
and distilled into vinegar no worries
I'll just drink the coffee as it comes
they tap a coconut tree and fill a placky
bottle with the sticky water It'll be wine
this time tomorrow they tell me all thirty
of them plus children staying at the Bamboo Kubo

Five four three four one
I don't know what's going on
everybody else takes it in their
stride Pied Piper style the sand
is so hot it's burning my feet

Apart from that the games
have started how do you confuse
a basketball player put him in a
volleyball court and tell him to
take a kick (of the football)

They rabbit in several different
languages at the same time
if it sounds like Spanish it
probably isn't it could be Tagalog
or Taglish or really bad English

They change direction as often
as I change hats not that I do
change hats very often that is
but I'm sure you get my drift
my shirt is sticking to me now

I went fishing this morning and
caught a piece of driftwood well
if the truth be known I stumbled
across it walking up the beach
you can't beach driftwood can you

Love the bamboo Kubo thirty
of us plus kids staying here
right on the beautiful beach
they've got a well pump in the
shaded courtyard and a little shop

The shop sells ice cold pop Red Horse
Ginebra and apple juice so what's what
it's nearly twelve noon the games will
resume again soon no time for football
we have a programme a schedule to keep

I gave the kids a togger ball to kick around
they picked it up and booted it rugby style
over the beach volleyball net you can take
a horse to water but you can't make him think
they think soccer is an Americano TV show

Hello Joe they say when they see me Wanna
drink San Mig or Gin come and sit with us
I try my sixty-five words of Tagalog but they're
hell bent on practising their English I worked
in Hong Kong for ten years one man tells me

Do you speak Chinese Mandarin I ask him
No everybody speaks English he says and
all my china plates speak Tagalog anyway
what were you doing over there I ask him
earning money to support my family he says

The minutes morph into half-hour segments
even the Karaoke Machine is quiet at mid-day
everything is a subsidiary of something else
these days I'm waiting for Peaches and Cream
to come on again I know the words to that one

I can smell the fresh fish cooking on the bamboo
grill the rice is cooking too and It'll soon be time
to eat again I think I'll go for another walk on
the red hot sand I got stranded earlier with bare
feet standing on my towel a local rescued me

Don't you just love flip-flops or slippers as they
call them down this end there's always a means
to an end and this is no exception the moral of
the tale is wear protection or get your tail burnt
shorts and tee shirts are better than burning up

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