I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Haiku Challenge 2012 - Day 29

Haiku Challenge 2012Link

Here's mine:


Walking on the waves
Turning water into wine
Retracing his steps



Wave walking
Water wilding wine
Wet whine wet



  1. So intrigued by your Journey! Works amazing as a haiku, but I liked the ideas so much I worked them into a symmetrical 5-6-7-6-5 acrostic (which needs lots of work, but it's the thought that counts):
    Walking on the waves
    A floating miracle
    Turning water into wine
    Everlasting water
    Retracing his Steps

  2. Thank you for the company, Andy.

  3. I enjoyed both of these, but, particularly, "wave walking". Thank you for all your special thoughts during this Haiku challenge for 2012.

  4. A remarkable end...Loved it...:)

  5. "Journey" seems somehow familiar. Have I read a similar story in the Bible? :)

    Thanks for your wisdom, disguised as wit, as we have journeyed together. Keep writing!

    Journey with My Muse

  6. Lovely set :)

    I enjoyed all your haiku in this challenge :)
    Thanks a lot :)

  7. Thank you,Andy for leaving me with a smile everytime I read your words.
    Its fun to read your Haiku too :)
    I loved the later one most!
    Good wishes :)

  8. Lovely haiku with a wonderful smile. Thanks for all the nice words you wrote during this Haiku Challenge. I really will miss this.

  9. Get that wine out, Andy. Let's say cheers! I am happy we "met". Looking forward to keeping in touch!

  10. I loved it so much Andy... Thanks.. Thanks for blessing Haiku in the past 29 days.. Happy Man!

    Someone is Special

  11. What a wonderful journey to travel and follow.

    It has been a joy to visit you and your creative contributions this past month. In many ways it is difficult to believe the challenge is over, and in other ways, I am glad. :)

    It has been a pleasure. Thank you ~~ Till we "meet" again!

  12. You always come up with an interesting verse. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. Cheers ~

  13. I agree with Grace - Cheers, Andy!


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