I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Haiku Wall..

Welcome to my Haiku wall, I got the idea in Dublin earlier this month. A building site in O'Connell street had a painted wall with 'I'm afraid of...'' written on it and people had chalked things like 'Driving on the wrong side of the road' and 'Double decker buses', to complete the sentence. I thought what a great idea, you could do the same thing with Haiku.
I came up with the thought: I like spending time... or I like spending time with you... and I wrote a few examples. The idea is that you write something using my thought and drop it in my comments box. If you publish it on your own blog too, please leave a link so we can all read and comment there as well.

I like spending time
'cos I don't have much money
Hangin' out with you

All night long
I like spending time
In deep sleep

I like spending time
In the place where I come from
Eternity South

I like spending time
Dreaming and disecting dreams
Writing poetry

I like spending time
Waiting for inspiration
Talking with the gods

I like spending time
Watching the way the clouds change
Blue skies looming grey

I like spending time
Not money

Where are you
I like spending time
In your thoughts

My Czech mate
I like spending time
Playing chess

Where are U
I like spending time with her
'cos she looks like U

Good bye Blue
I like spending time
In your mind

I like
Spending time
With you

I like
Spending time

I like
Spending time
In bed

I like
Spending time

In heaven
I like spending time
By myself

I like spending time
In the ever expanding
Eternal domain

Although they can fly
I like spending time with you
On Terra Firma

I like spending time
Drinking tea

Little Chimpanzee
I like spending time with you
Monkey's drive me nuts

So the prompt is either I like spending time... or I like spending time with you...
The idea is to have FUN! they don't have to be traditional Haiku or academically correct.
So, if you'd like to scrawl something on my Haiku Wall, just drop it in my comments box! Thanks!!


  1. Smile and talk to me
    I like spending time with you
    Just for old time's sake

    Baby is sleeping
    I like spending time with you
    Rolling in the hay


  2. I like spending time
    Slinging clay, seeds, words, and food.
    A collage of fun.

  3. Hi Hank, many thanks for playing along!

    Good two! Hey, I like the bit about rolling in the hay!

  4. Thanks Richarde, this really is a collage of fun!

    Many thanks for writing on my wall!

  5. Hi Andy, Thanks for stopping by and leaving another inspiration to write. Am not so into haiku, havent figured it all out yet. But here is my attempt at your prompt


  6. Hi Swapnap,
    Lovely poem, I like the repetition of,
    I like spending time,
    Not really a Haiku, But glad I gave you some inspiration.
    There's a hint of sadness and a whole lot of hope in this piece.
    Many thanks for playing along, it really is an Ode to Words!

  7. i like spending time
    with a boozy bonza bloke
    have not met him yet

  8. i like spending time
    with a boozy bonza bloke
    am yet to meet him

  9. For some reason a lot of recent comments have gone in my spam pile, Ill try and retrieve them.

  10. A great idea Andy. Here's my contribution to the wall.

    I like spending time
    watching her from a distance -
    unrequited love

    I like spending time
    stood in front of the mirror
    admiring myself

    I like spending time
    standing over you at night -
    catching your sweet dreams

  11. Thanks for playing along Mike, the middle one sounds good!

  12. Lovely idea! Let me see how fast on my feet I can be 'round midnight:

    I like spending time
    with you on a winter's day
    sipping cocoa, laughing

    I like spending time with you
    more than I like chocolate
    And that's saying something!

  13. Andy, I love your page and would love to link up with you. Amy at Sharp Little Pencil

  14. Hi Amy, thanks for posting here, are you sure about the chocolate though, 'cos that's really saying something!

    As for the link, consider it done!



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