I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Saturday, 3 January 2009

RWP #59 Collage..

written for Read Write Poem Collage prompt
I used all the given titles and represented them as American sentences.

What Sylvia meant, what letters are made of next door to Dorothy.
This isn’t a poem, say thanks that the money hasn’t gone somewhere else.
How the biscuit breaks, Miss America hot blueberry afternoon.
The musical a rare double bass and silver flute bones against clay.
Minneapolis skyline, insoluble essential minerals.
Splash of colours on dirty scraps of paper, this is my map of you.
The crows at Stirling castle, dinosaur bones, loving warm and gentle.
Degrees of separation, or how she moves softly are what remain.


  1. Ha! Great idea!
    I think my favorite is:
    "How the biscuit breaks, Miss America hot blueberry afternoon."
    Sounds like the new catch-phrase...

  2. Splash of colours on dirty scraps of paper, this is my map of you.

    these fit nice and pleasingly tight together...

  3. Thanks Angie, wasn't sure how well it would work - but I like to try these things.

    Hi Rob, I think this one probably fits together best, well spotted.

  4. This requires a special skill. As an artist, I love the line "splash of colours on dirty scraps of paper, this is my map to you."

    P.S. Yes,please blog link me. I just added you. I've met so many creative new folks recently and am thrilled. :)

  5. Thanks Gel! It'll be an honour to exchange links with you, consider it done!

  6. These perfectly fit in.

  7. i like the lines and imagery here. my favorite is: Splash of colours on dirty scraps of paper, this is my map of you.

  8. Thanks Floreta, this one's growing on me too!

  9. You've been very ambitious, imposing extra constraints on yourself!They all work but my favourites are 'How the biscuit breaks, Miss America hot blueberry afternoon' and 'Splash of colour on dirty scraps of paper, this is my map of you'.

  10. Thanks Carole, I like a challenge, sometimes. The two you picked seem to be the frontrunners at the moment.

  11. Great job making these titles make sense! I love what you picked for the last line!

    So, did you order the buffies?

  12. Hi Linda, many thanks, Yes I ordered them, I had to try them didn't I? Yes, I liked them too, thank-you for enlightening my sheltered life!

    Hi Gel^

  13. I like it very unique interesting post.


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