I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

While the sun shines..

Inspiration from Totally Optional Prompts 'A Person' and the cheesy chat up line;
You're so beautiful you need to take ugly pills to make you look normal..

You’re still there with me all my waking day
and even though you say that you don’t care
I know for sure that I’m still with you there
And things don’t change from week to week do they?

Why do you try so hard to stay awake
Hey thunder thighs, just buy the next size dress
‘cos photographs can lie and cause distress
I’ve got some ugly pills that you can take

You’re beautiful in my mind anyhow
And these days nights come all to soon for me
But all my dreams are your memories now
When I awake it’s you that I do see

I can’t remember when I placed the bet
Sometimes it’s so much better to forget


  1. A sonnet! I am so very glad to see another one written. This form suits the modern love version here!

  2. Hi Gautami, thanks, I was pleased to see that you did a sonnet too..

  3. Interesting, undercutting romance, building it up again. I like it.

  4. I like the way this one sings and moves - back and forth...

  5. this speaks to me of the ebb and flow of love over time... never having been privy to that kind of love myself... i still feel it here... love you... love you not...

  6. This is funny and sad at the same time! A wonderful look at a changing relationship.

  7. Most lives today seem to take this route.
    Great work! I loved the ending :D

  8. If the progression of love could be graphed, it would be all over the place.
    You capture that well.

  9. Hi Jo, I thought everybody did that?
    Hi Tumblewords, It goes up and down as well! (only joking)

    Thanks Paisley, Yeah you're spot on Jody, many thanks for commenting on this piece..

    Hi Linda, I don't know whether to laugh or cry..

    Thanks Aareet, I always think the ending's the best bit..

    Hi Anthony, it's good to hear it from a man who obviously knows about love..

  10. My thoughts echo'd Linda's - the contradictions, funny and sad. It was sweet in an unexpected way I think.

  11. where on earth did that cheesy chat up line come from?

  12. Hi Lisa, thanks, contradictions is what it's all about!

    MB, I'm afraid its one of mine, I said it to a girl once and she said 'I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or a threat!'

  13. I thought this was great!
    "Why do you try so hard to stay awake
    Hey thunder thighs, just buy the next size dress
    ‘cos photographs can lie and cause distress
    I’ve got some ugly pills that you can take"

    this section did make me giggle :¬)

  14. Hi Stacey, you've got me laughing now and when I start laughing I can't stop..


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