I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Friday, 3 April 2020

napowrimo 2020 #3

She paints the wall like her heart black
no matter what there is no lack
Everybody's looking at me
says she with a look of disdain
if only they would let me be
back home laid up to nurse her pain
Rejoicing this side of heaven
when the wind blows in from the east
eleven one more than even
the best that comes out of the west
Sometimes impossible to face
without having to break her heart
and yet sufficient is God's grace
although she tries to act the part
She paints the wall like her heart black
no matter what there is no lack
Everybody's looking at me
when the wind blows in from the east
if only they would let me be
the best that comes out of the west

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