I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Sunday Scribblings "Forbidden"


Tara skips barefoot on the hot sand of Brown Sugar Beach towards the sea.

Before she reaches the strawberry scented ocean she strips naked.

Freeing herself from her city clothes she steps into the cool pink sea.

It is a beautiful day, she tells herself, as she splashes around.

When the surf caresses her body she starts to forget about him.

The salts in the water and the heat from the two suns start to heal her.

Floating on her back Tara lets the gentle waves carry her forward.

Before long the magic island of Tiny Tree is just a feint dot.

Turning onto her front her powerful arms strike out and she swims back.

The beach deserted earlier, is now a hive of activity.

Dozens of naked men and women are picnicking on the hot sands.

Their perfect bodies screaming immortality, clothes are forbidden.



  1. Cool spin-off this. Is there a story that goes with it?

  2. Quite a picture you've painted here! Loved it.

  3. Great poem - except for one thing. Where's the map to show us how to get there!!? ;-)

  4. Sometimes we just have to take our "clothes" off! Thought-provoking!

  5. Hi stan, I stole it from my original 'SomeWhereLand' script for Doktir Nairobi Speaks.

    Thanks Keith, you'd like it in SomeWhereLand!

    Hi Anthony, the only way to get there is via the imagination!

  6. Hi Linda, yeah, there's more to clothes than cloth, there's a lot of emotional baggage that needs shedding for one.
    You've got me thinking now!

  7. sounds like a fun place for a guy lol :)

    but you know the ability to find solitude amidst crowd is a great gift, guess tara had it :)

  8. I Rambler, If not I bet she was just about to get it..

  9. ....too right I would! When's the next boat?

  10. Didn't know how seriously to take you!

  11. Hi Dave, I get a bit carried away with myself sometimes.

  12. So what you're saying is what's forbidden today will be common place tomorrow--interesting. It makes me want to go skinny dipping in the ocean now---but I know it'll be colder than your story conveyed. Damn.

  13. I like your clever inversion of the current order of things. Just how did they achieve that immortality bit? I'd like to buy some.

  14. Yeah, sort of Emily, only the tomorrow can be right now as it is an eternal place. The magic Island is actually called Tiny Tree which is an anagram of ETERNITY! And the pink waters of the strawberry scented ocean are as warm as you can imagine them to be as they are solar heated by not one but two suns.

    Hi Granny Smith, I was working on the premise that we are all immortal. Immortality is eternal, therefore in my book we don't have to achieve it, it's just a fact that we are eternal/immortals the reasons for us inhabiting these imperfect bodies in time are much more complex.

  15. Another great post! You put me on that beach; in the ocean; sans clothes (not a pretty sight...). Also, I have to wonder what sort of "him" would leave a woman who would skinny dip in the ocean?

  16. Very tightly written, packed full of thought! Well done. Sounds like Wreck Beach in Vancouver! Where many a camera has been destroyed by the attempts of voyeurs.

  17. Hi AOTI, thanks for visiting STG.. Tara has left 'him' back in the city in time, his name is Rik and I may write some more about them soon.

    Thanks giggles, Tiny Tree is something else! One day...

  18. Nice Contrasting definitions of forbidden for two kinda people. Magic island is actually spreading the real magic of happiness, even of the two roads of happiness don't cross each other. Nice post!

  19. Thanks Neilina, you have a powerful insight.

  20. This is awesome. What a great vision you've got here -- and how neat to see something so universal across worlds.

  21. Susan Helene Gottfried, Thank you so much!

  22. ah wow! painting in words.. I cud imagine a beach and a naked woman totally into the mood :)

  23. Hi Winnie the Poohi, thanks for commenting on Stg..
    I'll look out for you!

  24. Very nice take on this prompt. Sometimes it's nice to throw off all the trappings of civilization.

  25. Thanks Angel, I just read your powerful story about April being the forbidden fruit. Phew!

  26. I really enjoyed this. Very honest and natural writing. :)

  27. Thanks so much Brad, that means a lot to me.


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