Napowrimo 2023/my15th year/day 16
Natural as a plastic doll she paints the barn
slaps on the lippy and heads for the hotel bar
nobody actually said she was a basket case
but they were certainly thinking it all right
She wasn't going to set the world alight
but if she stands too close to the fire in
that colourful cellulose dress she might well do
herself a nasty injury and shock the customers too
At the bar she orders vegan everything and sulks
when she's told that eggnog isn't even vegetarian
I thought eggs were vegan she tells the barman
only if they come from corn fed chickens he replies
There's a yoke in there somewhere but finding it
that's another conundrum you can't beat eggs can you
as my younger brother always used to say at Easter
a bit like having your cake and eating it I suppose
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