I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Thursday, 24 January 2008

TOP Sonnet

Here's a little song that I wrote for you.
It goes Oh, Oh de bar' skins all day long.
Hey, Oh de bar' skins, yeah I love you too.
Come on, everybody can sing this song.
Oh de bar' skins, same story every day!
When they getting dressed, hey? Oh de bar' skins!
Oh de bar' skins, every day the same way.
Oh de, Oh de, Oh de, Oh the same things.
Everybody knows this song, three, two, one.
Oh de, Oh de, Oh de, Oh don't you know?
Everybody loves this song, it's such fun!
Oh de bar' skins, all day long, it's your go..
It's, Oh de bar' skins, every day and night.
It's, Oh de, Oh de, Oh please hold me tight!
Oh de bar' skins = The bare skins. Bar' pronounced bart.
You can visit my work-in-progress-novel at: www.my-work-in-progress-novel.blogspot.com


  1. I like a song out of a sonnet. Very original, I must say!

  2. very, very cool

  3. wouldn't this be a hoot with a pint in me hand!!!!! very clever!!!! you kicked the "stuffing" out of sonnet on this one!!!!!

  4. Germanic notes pouring from an English mug, what spontaneous harmony Oh de, Oh de, Oh de

  5. Humming, humming. Perfect song sonnet!

  6. Quite clever use of the prompt!

  7. I can't help but smile at this! How fun!

  8. gotta dance gotta dance gotta dance dance dance!

  9. A couple of reads and I caught the rhythm. FUN!!


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