I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

The Height of Haiku Challenge, Day 18 - Any Topic

Welcome to Day 18 of The Height of Haiku Challenge, where your challenge is to write 30 haiku in 30 days, with the themes given here. Today is a Sunday, so the challenge takes a break from specific themes and you are free to take up ANY TOPIC you choose. Have fun.

Here's mine: (I chose Waiting).


They're there, theirs; they're there
There on the page unspoken
Waiting to be read


  1. I never thought of words waiting--and probably wanting--to be read before. I do know, however, that I expect words to be available when I want to read them!

    This Poet’s Choice

  2. Yes! It is about the the words! Not us! Thanks for the haiku :)

  3. Waiting to be read -- love how you anthropomorphized words -- great image.

  4. "waiting to be read" : i have never thought of that either. nice! :)

  5. I agree...what are our words if no one reads them...we write...they wait

  6. When words are found they have to be read and not left on hold!!
    Nice thought put in here!!


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