I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

RWP #44 Rememberances.


Little Miss Sax goddess talking dirty, forty years back or thirty.

Time was simple then, they say, but the days were hard at the lumberyard.

And Mohican Sam, the ganger man, made us work for our bread and lard.

And Guitar Jim would sing ‘I’m the king of Kingston! der der der, der dum!’

Then old Surbiton Soap-box Joe, would go 'And I’m the king of Hong Kong!’

Suck blow suck suck blow, blue in the face, that Harmonica Kid could blow!

So, you can bet – we worked up a sweat when Miss Sax goddess crossed our path.

Can you remember all those years ago? How I remember them so!



  1. They say the sound of sax is closest to the human voice - it can talk dirty alright.

  2. I don't get out much. I don't understand. Sorry.

  3. Hi Stan and thanks for the C.
    I don't know the name of the Jazz band but they were a wicked combo when I saw them down in Surrey. And Little Miss could really play that Saxophone.

  4. Hi Anonymous, Thats the sort of response I like to get, I wrote the poem? about a little Jazz/blues band I met when I was working in Kingston Surrey. But you can interrpret it how you like... Hope this helps!

  5. I don't get out much - but that got me out. Great - and thanks!

  6. Thanks Dave, I'll take that as a compliment and I'll be putting a link in my side-bar to your dead good blog! http://picsandpoems.blogspot.com

  7. andy, i like it a lot. let it roll, let it blow and keep me out'a the cold.

  8. Many thanks Jack, that means a lot to me.

  9. I linked you at RWP! Thanks for posting and patience.

  10. Ah, the sax. Almost as good as a weepy rock guitar.

  11. Thanks Deb!

    Hi Anthony, brings back memories,eh?

  12. Love the rollicking rhythm of this! Wonderful rhymes--a delight for the ear. "Sax goddess" makes me smile, too. Great piece!

  13. Thanks Kimberlee!

    Hi DP, Glad 'we' made you smile!

  14. so cool, STG, so cool, i got it right away, wish i'd been there man, i do so love sax jazz or blues

  15. Many thanks Throws his words, may I say what a great name you have chosen for yourself too.

  16. Musical memories are especially good. Lots of atmosphere.

  17. Gritty poetry.
    Reminds me of Charles Bukowski.

    Good stuff.

  18. Between the sounds of the guitar and the line "Suck blow suck suck blow, blue in the face, that Harmonica Kid could blow!" I really liked this piece. Made me wish I'd heard them.

  19. Thanks Carole, don't you just love (good)memories?

    Hi Philip, i'm on my way over to your blog right now!

    Sister AE, Yeah they could really get you going.

  20. You mean like skat?

  21. Hi Anonymous, Ska sounds good, I always had them down as a bluesy jazz band but what do I know? Certainly their influnces were more Kingston Jamaica than Kingston-upon-Thames.
    So, yeah I'll go along with that.

  22. Sorry Anonymous, maybe you were talking about skat singing? I'm not sure about that, I think they were fairly well rehearsed, but who knows?


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