I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

NaPoWriMo (9) Totally Optional Prompts

Written for Totally Optional Prompts
and NaPoWriMo day nine:

I played around with the following W words:
Weight way Witches Wizards Wicca want wake
wonder with who whey wax wane world
why wait and warmonger and came up with this:


I can't take the weight of
your world on my shoulders
why do you wait
for delirium tremens
you wake up with angels
and dream about demons
why do you go
the warmonger way?
At Witches and Wizards
and Wicca you wonder
I don't want you to wax
or the full moon to wane
I want you to be
like Little Miss Muffet
who sat on a tuffet
with her curds and whey

The NaisaiKu Challenge? Supports NaPoWriMo...


  1. I like this!

    you wake up with angels
    and dream about demons

    Also, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my kids' poems. They were all excited when I told them and asked for my blog address so they could check them out!

  2. Thanks Linda and it was a pleasure to read the kid's poems - I wish them all well for the future!

  3. u tempted me to try this prompt again .. i misunderstood it first time ;)

  4. This has proved to be a really good prompt. Miss Muffet and witches, wizards and wicca!

  5. Every visit to your blog is a gauranteed delight... "why do you go
    the warmonger way?" the hint of frustration here is so tangible.

  6. Wry with why and wish. A pleasure to read!


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