I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Quatern - Three

Permission for repetition
Jingle jangle do the tango
Go make an act of contrition
Dance all night don't take the mango

Dance all night don't take the mango
Permission for repetition
Go make an act of contrition
Jingle jangle do the tango

Jingle jangle do the tango
Dance all night don't take the mango
Permission for repetition
Go make an act of contrition

Go make an act of contrition
Dance all night don't take the mango
Jingle jangle do the tango
Permission for repetition


  1. I enjoyed all three of your quaterns!

    1. Thanks Mad, I'm having one of my funny turns, I'm up to number six now with no sign of slowing.


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