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Friday, 9 April 2010

NaPoWriMo 2010 Day 9


RWP member Robert Peake has shared with us a prompt he used recently with one of his established writing groups:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to:

  • Use at least twelve words from this list: flap, winter, torch, pail, jug, strum, lever, massage, octopus, marionette, stow, pumice, rug, jam, limp, campfire, startle, wattle, bruise, chimney, tome, talon, fringe, walker;
  • Include something that tastes terrible;
  • Include some part (from a few words to several lines) of a previous poem that didn’t quite pan out; and
  • Include a sound that makes you happy.

Write a poem!

I used eleven small words and one big word: rug, jam, jug, flap, pail, stow, limp, strum, torch, wattle, tome, and campfire. Seagull soup is the thing that tastes terrible. The puppy dog bit is from an old daft poem. And the Scream! is the sound that makes me happy. Don't you just love screaming?? In addition to this I threw in a bit of rhyming slang: hit 'n' miss, jam-jar, brown bread, and humpty dumpty. And just for good measure a couple of words spelt backwards: Krap and bog! Phew!!
Camping with the Wattle Street Bunch
Twelve of us in a ten-man
went. Everything but the kitchen...
Drink a jug of Scrumpy, Humpty.
Dump tea in the back of the jam-jar.
Through the tent flap, torch in gob
to park in a pail of hit 'n' miss
propped up on a weighty tome
Shakespeare, limp back,
roll up the Afghan rug.
Down on the streets where
the puppy dogs meet and the
big dogs mate by the back alley
where Gordon met his fate,
that's where the rats come...
...flip, flap - flop!
The camp mother gave his banjo
a strum, waking us up from this. Scream!
Marzi (he forgot to stow the pan)
did when we got him back at brunch -
by dropping a brown bread seagull
in his oil drum of soup on the campfire.


  1. I found myself weaving camping into my poem as well. I enjoyed the heck out of this prompt AND I enjoyed how you wrote from it...

    I kept finding myself laughing in surprise...

    My Day 9 offering

  2. Holiday of a lifetime - reminds me of Pas De Calais '81. Also brings back Northern Boys...

  3. Andy,
    Lots of images! Nicely done!


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