Napowrimo 2021
Nine to zero multiplication
manipulation contemplation
if you know the numbers you may
or may not be held to account
Some say that zero is the most
important number not least
the mathematicians Mesopotamians
and the morticians of this world
The Martians know a lot about zero too
as do the mickey takers mischief makers
and all in sundry to do with munitions
frightening as it might seem zero is not zilch
Ballyhoo Old Bamboo one and one and one
is three or one hundred and eleven or just one
depending on how you divi it up take a butchers hook
add some zero's and watch it change again
Compliance reliance don't complain if five plus five
is ten how many times can you multiply it and
divide it into infinity eternity conformity to carnality
and back to banality as brutal as your sudsless soap
Numbers nine to zero come in ground control
just clearing Cloud Nine now bombing it with tomato plants
and onion seeds Double O Seven is paragliding down
shovel in hand to dig the ground Pluto is the promised land
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