I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Monday, 30 June 2008

RWP#33 Wordplay..

Prompt from Read Write Poem:Wordplay -
My list was: blog, Face Book, My Space, Internet, link,
word, Google, search, Yahoo, Twitter, web, site and surfing.
She said, that she clinked-his-link from Google
while surfing the net with search word strudle.
He said, On Yahoo I'm at number two
over at Twitter more bitter than blue.
She said, Yeah my name is Internet Kate
and I'm looking for a virtual date.
He said, Hey anytime your blog or mine?
Or any site on the web will be fine...
She said, Please come for a drink at My Space!
A glass of wine from the virtual vine?
He said, Okay baby that would be ace
and we can do it on Face Book next time.

Have you tried Space Invaders!
my-work-in-progress-novel yet? Clink-the-link HERE


  1. Thanks Just Jen, You obviously know the gen!

  2. pretty funny! youknow, a year ago, before i started blogging, i wouldn't have had a clue what you were talking about!

  3. Hi Artpredator, thanks for the comment, I still don't know what I'm talking about, webwise!

  4. Very clever, and I loved the rhyme scheme.

  5. Thanks Chicklegirl, and I like the look of your virtual candy!

  6. Hi Gautami, I'm beating down your blog door right now!

  7. So much fun! Great rhymes and energy here. Love Google/strudle.

  8. That is funny and too true.

  9. durablepigments, Me too, I could virtually eat it!

    Thanks Brian, Ive been admiring your work from afar.

  10. Funny, an internet date! A virtual date for a virtual life. do you sweet talk 'em? Just kidding. Fun stuff.

  11. Thanks Christine, that's what it is, just a bit of virtual fun!

  12. Very cute--and funny how this wouldn't have made much sense five years ago. It sounds like you had fun writing this!

  13. Thanks Blythe, you're virtually bang-on!


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