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Friday, 30 September 2011

The Height of Haiku Challenge, Day 30 - Poets Choice. Today is the final day of the challenge.

Welcome to Day 30 of The Height of Haiku Challenge, where your challenge is to write 30 haiku in 30 days. Thanks to all writers who took part in the challenge, be it just a single prompt or all the prompts this month. It has been a celebration of haiku. I impose no restriction on the topic today, feel free to write a haiku on ANY TOPIC you choose. Have fun.

Here's mine: (I chose Water).


Underground water
Wet summer drips, winter waits
Springs up in autumn


  1. Hi everybody, thanks for letting me come along for the ride, it's been an adventure reading and writing so many Haiku in such a short time. So, to old blogging friends and new, may I say a BIG Thank-You!

  2. Like how you included all four seasons...it has been great reading everyone haikus!

  3. Andy Andy Andy, not only are you a sweet talk'n guy your haiku is sweet talk'n too.
    Thanks for your comments on my blog -- I looked forward to them!

  4. Nooooo Andy the September Challenge is over but Haiku Heights still continues as usual with the weekly prompts on Saturdays!! Sincerely hope to see you there!!

    Autumn winter spring and summer,like the seasons in circular motion, Haiku Heights will return as usual!!

  5. Good one!! Thanks for all the support.. Best is yet to be! God bless!

  6. every is waiting for winter :)

  7. You've packed a lot of word play into three little lines. Delightful!

    This poet’s choice here and here

  8. Creative weaving of all the seasons ~ nice one ~

    Thank you for all your support and comments in your blog ~

    Happy day ~

  9. A lovely haiku in the original seasonal format.

  10. This provides a lovely seasonal circle ... Congrats on completing the month of Haiku!! It has been enjoyable reading ~~ Happy Friday, Happy Weekend, Happy October!

  11. I'm sorry that two comments on this post ended up in the spam pile and were deleted.


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