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Thursday, 4 April 2019


Global/NaPoWriMo 2019

Day Four

Multinationalisation hasn't that been tried before
Colonisation empire building internal feuding

The clocks were ticking till the hour came and went confusion
All of the money spent on pay rises for the gentrified

Sit down order in the Commons chaos in the House of Lords
Missus Mayhem and your Oxbridge party chums boohoo uproar

Never mind the rough sleepers the disabled the job seekers
The unwaged and the working poor keep them begging on the floor

Okay if the leavers really don't know what they voted for
What about a referendum a general election

Some cast their vote upon the moat and it came back soaking wet
Let's have a vote for those that didn't bother to vote at all

Let's put the cat amongst the pigeons show the dog the rabbit
Chuck a Welly or three throw the boot in sideways hobnails up

Or should we turn the other cheek as the towers rise up high
Power mad they want to scrape the sky above our city streets

The ill gotten investment still pours in from banks in Brasil
Abu Dhabi and Hong Kong so what's so wrong with tinned corned beef

Fair trade coffee that some tea leaf said was free but where's the bread
The tainted bread and honey for the Tulip from hamster jam

The self-serve check-outs at the local store and that one world faith
Controversy of religiosity by the back door

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