I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

TOP prompt

Written for TotallyOptionalPrompts


Looking at life thru the bottom

of a bottle, blue green glass, that’s me.

It’s midnight late; I’ve been waiting

for my date, since half-past eight, that’s me.

The bars in motion, music’s a commotion,

a kafuffle, that’s me.

I’ve been eighteen for nearly eight years now

and nobody knows that that's me.

If you call, don’t call me small,

call me cute and dandy Andy, that’s me.

I’m the guy, straight talking, street talking,

sweet talking, pub-poetry, that’s me.

Fourteen, twenty-one, I’ve not been sober

since last October, that’s me.

You might think it’s neat, to step on my feet,

I don’t think so, but that’s me.

Looking at life thru the bottom

of a bottle, blue green glass, that’s me.



  1. Hi Sue @ Tumblewords, Glad you liked it, it is a bit singy!

  2. Still 18, or were you 18 earlier (like most of us), to get to that bottle?

  3. Hi Stan, the trick was that when you were fourteen you had to say you were eighteen to get served in a bar, so by the time you were twenty-one you'd have been saying you were eighteen for almost eight years. Much like I'm twenty-nine now!

  4. As someone who's 21 and a few hundred months, I really enjoyed this.

  5. Hi Anthony,Many thanks, but when you get to my age you'll really be struggling!

  6. It's a good poem, amusing and informative in that it paints a good picture of you. (How much is it you, I wonder?)

  7. you can add or deduct your age to be 18 :-) enjoyable read

  8. Hi Dave, I think I just like(d) the sound of the words.

    Hi Totomai, of the time I was writing about I could. But I'm much older than that now! As Bob Dylan might have said once.

  9. All that internal rhyme just tickled my tongue! And the word "kafuffle"! Wow!

  10. age has nothin to do with drinkin and singin... thaz my story and im stickin to it... oh, thaz another song too...

  11. Hi OMB, I was thinking more on the lines of sin! But I do love the Pzaz in thaz!

  12. love the 'eighteen for eight years' line!! great words...i can just imagine this as a song too! :)

  13. Very quick feet too, that's a great dancing pub poem with a sly smile.

  14. Th^nks *~sis~*!

    Hi Gingatao, when the bar's in motion, everyone's dancing, down there!


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