I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Wednesday 23 June 2010


Written for and posted to POW!
Here's this weeks prompt.

Here's mine: Playlist - Vivaldi four seasons (summer).


When the day is done and the sun is over

And the summer heat won’t let you settle down

When sleep is as rare as a four leafed clover

And the twilight noise echoes all over town

You drink another drink to the god of night

And then thank your lucky stars when you don’t drown

You can’t always be wrong, some things must be right

They say that yesterday was the longest day

You can bet that the kids will sleep ‘til twilight

They told me all about taking the subway

Don’t do it after dark, man! the first kid said.

They showed me how to get back after the play

Don’t walk in the twilight zone or you’ll be dead!

Don’t let twilight in summer go to your head.



  1. Sorry I've not been around for a couple of weeks, I couldn't make this machine work properly. I have been having trouble posting and leaving comments, but things seem to be working again tonight.

  2. Glad you got things sorted.
    I let summer twilight go to my head a bit...

  3. Summer twilight does have a habit of going to my head. Such a lush and luscious time. Why didn't I think of those words earlier, when I was struggling with my sonnet?!

  4. Sounds like a good night to let the tube / metro be the designated driver. Well written and fun.

  5. Aha Vivaldi! Love it. You're good at the sonnet form. I remember one you did on smoking.Good to see you again Andy!

  6. way too familiar with those three-leafer nights, I'll have a drink with you.
    (if I remember right, not everybody in the Twilight Zone is out to get you)

  7. Great rhythm, Andy. Warm, light nights certainly disturb the system.

  8. Like those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, your sonnet hits the mood spot on. Thankyou.

  9. Yesterday, or June 21, it didn't get dark till about 7:30. Twilight lasted about 5 minutes - no time to walk anywhere.

  10. Good advice..., and well constructed sonnet. I like, "When sleep is as rare as a four leafed clover..." Hot summer nights, you naile them.

  11. Now here's the trick:

    Don’t let twilight in summer go to your head. Don’t walk in the twilight zone or you’ll be dead! Don’t do it after dark, man! the first kid said.
    They showed me how to get back after the play They told me all about taking the subway They say that yesterday was the longest day
    You can bet that the kids will sleep ‘til twilight You can’t always be wrong, some things must be right You drink another drink to the god of night
    And then thank your lucky stars when you don’t drown And the twilight noise echoes all over town And the summer heat won’t let you settle down
    When sleep is as rare as a four leafed clover When the day is done and the sun is over


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