I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Two fingers...

Days gone by,
go by again.
We buy, spend,
re-purchase all but
our mis-spent youth.
The best kept vinyl
transfered to cassette
re-placed by compact disk.
Flairs, stitched parallel,
un-sewn into bell bottoms.
But expanding waistline
renders them useless this time.
And the important things in life
like pro-creation.
Days gone by, go by again.
We buy the same shirts
for our sons, as our fathers swore that:
Our grandfathers once wore.
I had a gran-dad shirt too,
a string vest and a beige
ribbed cardigan for Sunday best.
If only someone could invent a pill,
that would halt the whole ageing process.
But I guess, we'd all be typing this
with two fingers on a Remington.
God bless!

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