Just when you think it's finished they start again
the Spanish have this knack of making a small town
look like a big city you could be absolutely anywhere
in those two or three back streets in some small place
somewhere but everything looks like Manila or Cebu
sometimes if you wait a minute or two the traffic dies
down and you can head out of town ahead of the tricycles
Don't you just love the way those Jeepney's stroll
the kids going home from school on the roof and old blokes
hanging off the back rolling cigarettes with one hand
everybody's shopping is more important than anyone else's
and if there ain't room in the back you need to squeeze up
'Hey Joe, sit in the front with me' the driver tells me thinking
I'm a senior citizen and can't squash up on the bench in the back
Cities are never finished they keep on rebuilding them over and
over again they'll demolish a perfectly good building if they can
get a skyscraper on the same footprint never mind the heritage
money and politics talk louder than public opinion and good sense
that's not to mention the intrusion into the countryside and the way
that villages and smaller towns are assimilated into the city plans they
supply the water the electric and the metro and they've got them hooked
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