I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

TOP - "Like a Cowbird"

The cat sat on the mat
nobody told her to
she just sat there
'cos that's what cats do.
Nobody showed her
how to dig a hole
or how to catch a mouse.
She just knew what to do.
We speak to her in
English and Swahili
and she answers
with a miaow.
How clever's that?
She's a cool cat!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

While the sun shines..

Inspiration from Totally Optional Prompts 'A Person' and the cheesy chat up line;
You're so beautiful you need to take ugly pills to make you look normal..

You’re still there with me all my waking day
and even though you say that you don’t care
I know for sure that I’m still with you there
And things don’t change from week to week do they?

Why do you try so hard to stay awake
Hey thunder thighs, just buy the next size dress
‘cos photographs can lie and cause distress
I’ve got some ugly pills that you can take

You’re beautiful in my mind anyhow
And these days nights come all to soon for me
But all my dreams are your memories now
When I awake it’s you that I do see

I can’t remember when I placed the bet
Sometimes it’s so much better to forget

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Flight.. Writers Island #30

If you can talk
you can fly...
That's what the
high fliers tell me.
They're floating man,
when they communicate.
Poets are like that.
Give them a quill,
some ink,
a moment to think!
And their imagination
takes off.

Friday, 4 April 2008

TOP Regional Poetry

Eee bah gum, bonny lad
It’s a reet cowead day fer it, in’t it?

I’ll say, aye, I’ll say,
it’s a reet bit parky, allreet!

Gooun then tha’ bonny lad
Threw some wood on fear…

An’ thee mate turns up t' blow
'eater in cab o’ thirty foot wagon.

Tha’s betta, says dri-ver.
As they ‘ead t’ next drop.

Fictional Northern Accent UK..