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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Proper nonsense...

Letters of condolence are in the post
Oust et est sans le twain shall meet
Gentlemen please it’s oh so important
Inglenook fireplace and all of that jazz
Clouting the ball way into the distance
Azerbaijani and pigeons in pies
Lying about his guilt and still cheating

Dirty past midnight something
Important to remember your manners
The distance is vast between east and west
Toolkits for something midnight past dirty
Oust houses these days are mainly in Kent
Eating disorders and off with their heads out
Spanners and wrenches and all of your tools

Dirty past midnight something
Inglenook fireplace and all of that jazz
Azerbaijani and pigeons in pies
Lying about his guilt and still cheating  
Eating disorders and off with their heads out
Clouting the ball way into the distance
The distance is vast between east and west
Oust et est sans le twain shall meet
Letters of condolence are in the post
Oust houses these days are mainly in Kent
Gentlemen please it’s oh so important
Important to remember your manners
Spanners and wrenches and all of your tools
Toolkits for something midnight past dirty