Resurrect the cake lady
She wants to feed me,
Make me fat like her
Fatter even, so that she won’t
lose me
To some beauty queen again
She sends me cakes, morning noon and nightly,
Naughty cup cakes every day
Who could eat them and stay slim
Without going to the gym, Jumbo
Chocolate cake and lemon drizzle
With New
York cheesecake in the middle
So pat-a-cake baker Sam
She bakes me a cake as fast as
she can
She makes it on the kitchen table
With love she kneads it more and
She’d knead me too
If she didn’t have a need to
feed to fatten me
She’s got one in the oven always,
Sometimes in the stable doorways
Samantha the crazy lazy cup cake
Wants to smother me
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