I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Saturday, 9 September 2017

My Sweet Lord...

I worship you in every single way
sing praises to your name day after day

Oh thank you thank you thank you My Sweet Lord
thank you that my salvation is assured

Forgive me Lord each time I go astray
forgive me when I fail you each day

I pray Sweet Lord that others will be saved
that they will no longer be enslaved

I pray that I can share your word each day
and know that you're the truth the life the way


Bless The Lord...

Bless the Lord and worship Him for sure
praise His holy name for ever more

Forgive us Lord for failing you each day
for failing you in every single way

Thank you Father for giving us your son
to die to save us each and every one

We pray this wicked world will hear the call
and many will be saved despite the fall

We ask in Jesus Name that you will bless
everything we do when we confess