I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Friday, 26 April 2019


Global/NaPoWriMo 2019

Day Twenty Six

She looks up when I enter the room
and quickly reverts back
to what she was doing
what was she doing
I don't know she doesn't tell me

She's always on that mobile thing
I used to think it was a telephone
but that's daft because
it's not connected to the wall socket
and sometimes she watches films on it

Oh yes its got a screen like a TV
only smaller of course so it will fit in her pocket
only she doesn't have any pockets
so she puts it in her handbag
anyway she talks to it more than she talks to me

How can you talk to that thing
all day and all night long I ask her

I'm not talk talking just for the sake of talking
she says everybody does it these days texting
and sharing things online you should try it

I try to ignore her but she always knows best
even when she doesn't want to talk to me
I'm not saying that she really really doesn't
but it does look that way sometimes

I sit there with my box of crayons
drawing every type of shape I can remember
pyramids circles squares you name it

You can create until the cows come home she tells me
but you'll never come up with an original design
you may or just might discover a thing or two however

Me discover something I think I just have
hello am I even wanted

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