I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Saturday, 27 April 2019


Global/NaPoWriMo 2019

Day Twenty Seven

I think but I think they don't care
what I think why would they
they have their own problems somewhere
so why would they worry about mine

I don't worry about them
I don't even think about them
when they've gone home
who are they anyway they all
sound the same when they talk to me

One of them brought me butterflies one day
I don't know how she got them into the house
but they were flying around all day
until she went home

When I asked her about the butterflies
a few days later she couldn't remember
bringing them in fact she actually said
that I must have imagined it

Imagine me imagining anything
hello am I even thinking
they think that I can't remember anything
since I lost the other half of my brain
but what do they know they don't think
that I can still think even if I want to

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