EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (STOLEN PINTO CAN)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
E10-14102011 Anagram submitted by StanSki.
EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (SLANT OPEN TONIC)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
E11-14102011/3 Anagram submitted by StanSki.
EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (PINT CAN'T LOOSEN)Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
E12-14102011/4 Anagram submitted by StanSki.EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (SPOON LATIN CENT)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
E13-14102011/5 Anagram submitted by StanSki.EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (NO ANCIENT PLOTS)Now that we know that time is running slow
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
E14-14102011/6EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (NO NASCENT PILOT)Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Loving me like I was your other ex
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
E15-14102011/7EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (COTTON ASP LINEN)Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
E16-15102011/1EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (INSTANT POLE CON)Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
(NOT CANTON PILES)Now that I know that you are A okay
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that we know that time is running slow
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
(PENN STATION LOC)Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that we know that time is running slow
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
(LINT ON CAPSTONE)Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
(POETS LIT CANNON)Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Extra special you, if only you could...
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that I know that you are A okay
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow
(IN TOTNES CLAP ON)Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow
(STOP TIN CAN NOEL)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Extra special you, if only you could...
Loving me like I was your other ex
(PLOT CANINE SNOT)Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (SCOOT NINE PLANT)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
(OPAL CONTINENTS)OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
(SPIN LANE COTTON)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
(TIN CONSOLE PANT)Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
E28-18102011/2EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (SLANT NONPOETIC)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Now that we know that time is running slow
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
Extra special you, if only you could...
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
E29-18102011/3EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (INNOCENT POSTAL)Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
One of you will be the one for me now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex
E30-18102011/4EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (NAPOLEON [SIC] TNT)New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
E31-18102011/5EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (SPITTOON CANNEL)Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...
Loving me like I was your other ex
E32-18102011/7 Anagram submitted by ShirleyEXTRA SPECIAL YOU (TENPIN COOLANTS)Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that we know that time is running slow
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
E33-18102011/8 Anagram submitted by ShirleyEXTRA SPECIAL YOU (POTENTIAL CONNS)Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (OCTANE NON-SPILT)OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
E35-19102011/1EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (INANE PLOTS CONT.)Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
E36-19102011/2EXTRA SPECIAL YOU (NOT AN OPTIC LENS)Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
E37-19102011/3The shortened version is HERE