I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Haiku Heights # 92

Welcome to Haiku Heights. Our 92nd prompt for you is GHOSTS, in celebration of the Halloween festival which falls on 31st October. Haiku Heights wishes its readers Happy Halloween. Have fun with your haiku as always!

Here's mine:


Some of us see them
Dark masquerading as light
Not always at night

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

What was cotton?

Here's a couple of Cottonopolis poems.
If you want to read what I said about
Cottonopolis before, check this.

Sloppy Joe's, mee-mawing, 'what was cotton?'
There they were knocking up the worlds trousers
Once upon a time when the mills were here
Lentil soup for supper, I think, innit?
Outer Mongolia's, eating lentils
Now that the post production rot's got out

Only who could spin a yarn like that now

Cotton was the pride of Manchester once
Trousers that would change the world if only...
Outside in the cold light of day pissed up
Pissed off with the way that they've been kicked out
Innit! and a bit of bread with your slop...

Cotton was the pride of Manchester once
Once upon a time when the mills were here
There they were knocking up the worlds trousers
Trousers that would change the world if only...
Only who could spin a yarn like that now
Now that the post production rot's got out
Outside in the cold light of day pissed up
Pissed off with the way that they've been kicked out
Outer Mongolia's, eating lentils
Lentil soup for supper, I think, innit?
Innit! and a bit of bread with your slop...
Sloppy Joe's, mee-mawing, 'what was cotton?'

Here's one I did last week:
My Acrostic poem with 36 different anagrams of the acrostic word. The Acrostic word was Constantinople, I then shuffled up the letters and made anagrams like: Platonic Sonnet and Non Poetic Slant. You can read the complete 37 versions of this poem HERE

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Haiku Heights # 91

Welcome to Haiku Heights. Our 91st prompt for you is SPONGE and was suggested to us by Gemma Wiseman who blogs over at Greyscale Territory. Have fun.

Here's mine:


Dry as a wet sponge
Sounds like horses + water
You can't make 'em drink

My Acrostic poem with 36 different anagrams of the acrostic word. The Acrostic word was Constantinople, I then shuffled up the letters and made anagrams like: Platonic Sonnet and Non Poetic Slant. You can read the complete 37 versions of this poem HERE

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Haiku Heights # 90

Welcome to Haiku Heights. Our 90th prompt for you is VIBRANT and was suggested to us by Vinati who blogs over at Mirage. Have fun.

Written for and posted to Haiku Heights

Here's mine:


Vibes incandescent
Branches reaching aurora
Neanderthal trees

Here's something I wrote for you, and you, and...
FlameThrowerPoetry.. An Acrostic anagram. Clink~Da~Link!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

FlameThrowerPoetry - Extra Special You

My Acrostic poem with 36 different anagrams of the acrostic word. The Acrostic word was Constantinople, I then shuffled up the letters and made anagrams like: Platonic Sonnet and Non Poetic Slant. You can read the complete 37 versions of this poem on this post.

If you'd like to read the standard (shortened) version

you'll need to Clink~Dis~Link!!!

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Extra Special You (Revealed)

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...


Now that I know that you are A okay
One of you will be the one for me now
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow

Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!

Now that I know that you are A okay
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Extra special you, if only you could...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love

One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow

Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow

Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love

Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Now that I know that you are A okay
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

Now that we know that time is running slow
Extra special you, if only you could...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Now that I know that you are A okay
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
One of you will be the one for me now
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
E10-14102011 Anagram submitted by StanSki.

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

One of you will be the one for me now
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay

Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
E11-14102011/3 Anagram submitted by StanSki.

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
E12-14102011/4 Anagram submitted by StanSki.

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow

Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
E13-14102011/5 Anagram submitted by StanSki.

Now that we know that time is running slow
OK Corral and all that filmic pap

A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now

Now that I know that you are A okay
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Loving me like I was your other ex
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that we know that time is running slow

A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love

Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too


Now that I know that you are A okay
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that we know that time is running slow
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick


Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that we know that time is running slow

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay

Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!


Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...


Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Extra special you, if only you could...
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

Loving me like I was your other ex
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that I know that you are A okay
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow


Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay

Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love

One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow


Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love

Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Extra special you, if only you could...
Loving me like I was your other ex


Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Now that we know that time is running slow
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
Extra special you, if only you could...
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow

Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay

Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

Now that we know that time is running slow
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
Extra special you, if only you could...
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!

Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
One of you will be the one for me now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex

New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Now that I know that you are A okay

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!

Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that we know that time is running slow

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Now that I know that you are A okay
Extra special you, if only you could...
Loving me like I was your other ex
E32-18102011/7 Anagram submitted by Shirley

Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that we know that time is running slow
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that I know that you are A okay

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
One of you will be the one for me now
Loving me like I was your other ex
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
E33-18102011/8 Anagram submitted by Shirley

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that we know that time is running slow
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
Loving me like I was your other ex

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Could you be the one? pull the other one!
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...

Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay

Slower tock than a broken clock can tick
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Loving me like I was your other ex
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Now that we know that time is running slow
A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too
Extra special you, if only you could...

Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Loving me like I was your other ex
OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

Could you be the one? pull the other one!
One of you will be the one for me now
Now that I know that you are A okay
Two four six eight, count to infinity...

Now that we know that time is running slow
One of you will be the one for me now
Tic-toc clock slow down don't mess me around

A round peg in a square hole so what's new?
New Zealand's been there quite a long time too

OK Corral and all that filmic pap
Paparazzi mug-shot, genie of love
Two four six eight, count to infinity...
Infinitely, yes you'll be the one now
Could you be the one? pull the other one!

Loving me like I was your other ex
Extra special you, if only you could...
Now that I know that you are A okay
Slower tock than a broken clock can tick

The shortened version is HERE

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Welcome to my Love post..

Here's a little something I thought I'd lost, I found it today and I'm giving it some more love...

Hook it up, and pretend that it's money
Arrivals ain't my style, no not nearly
Nearly nearly, no not really girlie
Girl you ain't seen nothin' yet, not ever
Sometimes not, but always you're my baby

Simple Simon says, take a butcher's hook
Anyone knows that life should be simple
Money can't wipe the slate clean anymore
Every time I look you up, you return

Baby, she said, I don't wanna arrive
Returning like a bad penny sometimes
Androids are like that, predictable nerds
Nervous as fish out of water, and damn...
Damnation and Amsterdam have Androids


Baby, she said, I don't wanna arrive
Arrivals ain't my style, no not nearly
Nearly nearly, no not really girlie.
Girl you ain't seen nothin' yet, not ever
Every time I look you up, you return
Returning like a bad penny sometimes
Sometimes not, but always you're my baby.

Androids are like that, predictable nerds
Nervous as fish out of water, and damn...
Damnation and Amsterdam have Androids.

Money can't wipe the slate clean anymore
Anyone knows that life should be simple
Simple Simon says, take a butcher's hook
Hook it up, and pretend that it's money.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Haiku Heights # 89

Welcome to Haiku Heights. We return to weekly prompts again after a wonderful month of daily haiku in September. Our 89th prompt for you is IMPOSSIBLE and was suggested to us by Rosie who blogs over at Travel-inspired Tales. Have fun.

Here's mine:


It's impossible

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The NaiSaiKu Challenge? - Time

Written for and posted to The NaiSaiKu Challenge?
The prompt is: Time

Here's mine:


God switched on the light
Somewhere in eternity
Somewhere in eternity
God switched on the light

It's time you paid a visit to my Haiku Wall!

Here's my 3WW

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Haiku Wall..

Welcome to my Haiku wall, I got the idea in Dublin earlier this month. A building site in O'Connell street had a painted wall with 'I'm afraid of...'' written on it and people had chalked things like 'Driving on the wrong side of the road' and 'Double decker buses', to complete the sentence. I thought what a great idea, you could do the same thing with Haiku.
I came up with the thought: I like spending time... or I like spending time with you... and I wrote a few examples. The idea is that you write something using my thought and drop it in my comments box. If you publish it on your own blog too, please leave a link so we can all read and comment there as well.

I like spending time
'cos I don't have much money
Hangin' out with you

All night long
I like spending time
In deep sleep

I like spending time
In the place where I come from
Eternity South

I like spending time
Dreaming and disecting dreams
Writing poetry

I like spending time
Waiting for inspiration
Talking with the gods

I like spending time
Watching the way the clouds change
Blue skies looming grey

I like spending time
Not money

Where are you
I like spending time
In your thoughts

My Czech mate
I like spending time
Playing chess

Where are U
I like spending time with her
'cos she looks like U

Good bye Blue
I like spending time
In your mind

I like
Spending time
With you

I like
Spending time

I like
Spending time
In bed

I like
Spending time

In heaven
I like spending time
By myself

I like spending time
In the ever expanding
Eternal domain

Although they can fly
I like spending time with you
On Terra Firma

I like spending time
Drinking tea

Little Chimpanzee
I like spending time with you
Monkey's drive me nuts

So the prompt is either I like spending time... or I like spending time with you...
The idea is to have FUN! they don't have to be traditional Haiku or academically correct.
So, if you'd like to scrawl something on my Haiku Wall, just drop it in my comments box! Thanks!!