I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Monday, 29 April 2019


Global/NaPoWriMo 2019

Day Twenty Nine

Sometimes things don't feel quite right
like walking backwards or uncontrollable laughter
why do mad things happen to me

I went down to the ocean some people call it the briny
but when the waves came in over my feet
I had to run back up the beach
it's not that I don't like getting wet
it's simply that it makes me dizzy looking out to sea

People say that it's the salt but I like salt
people tell me lots of things
I can't remember most of the things that they tell me
they say things like
don't stand too close to the water or you'll get wet

I think they don't know that I already know these things
even though sometimes I sort of forget
like I said to the people on the beach I asked them really
but they ignored me hello am I even me
they must have thought that I was talking to myself
or to my secret friend as one of them put it

Okay I said why can't you drink seawater
nobody really knew and then I remembered
the story about a Frenchman who was shipwrecked
and survived many days in the blue how did he do it
by drinking a tiny sip of seawater every day
that's what he told me anyway

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