I know you love me but if you follow me I'll love you too!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Read this fast...

Rather get wet in the Rain
I got bubbles in my Brain
Makes me heady like Champagne
Racing up and down my Vein
Like a speeding Bullet Train
Diagnostic they proclaim
Will I still be quite the same
This is such a stupid game
Who would let these bubbles reign

Friday, 1 May 2015

2015 Conclusion


Congratulations to everyone who completed this years challenge. I was just glad to make it to the end this time. Writing a poem a day is a great exercise but doesn't always bring out the best work. There were one or two pieces I was happy with and I guess that's all you can realistically hope for. This was my seventh year and yes, I am looking forward to 2016 and a new challenge next year.